Friday, November 7, 2008

Nicole Wray - Lovechild Interview No. 4

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Artists come and go all the time. Some we miss, some we forget, some we're glad to see the back of and some we wish would just Fanta Orange (figure it out). Then there are others; significantly special others who disappear with no reason whatsoever. We desperately want to see and hear them again but we just dun no was'goin on? Nicole Wray stands on top of the mystery file entitled ‘missing superstars’. She came, she saw, she dazzled and she vanished. Seriously - wagwaan? Did she beef with Missy?I still have no idea what happened there! I was in the middle of recording my 2nd album (‘Electric Blue’ – the LP we heard so much about and anticipated, badly, over 2 years ago, to no avail) and one day Missy rang me saying she was gonna shop the album somewhere else.Evidently, she didn’t…
Exactly, I never heard from her again, I mean there’s no beef, if she walked into the room right now, I’d give her a big hug and all would be fine but that whole situation got me mad confused...But everything happens for a reason...Oh for real! It was hard after that, real hard, it was like I started my career all over again but it’s made me stronger and now I couldn’t be happier!How’d you hook up with the Roc anyway? Damon seems to be signing everyone but his mother these days…
(Laughs) I know! But it’s great…I’m actually signed to ‘Roc music’ which is the R&B and pop element of the Roc. Do you miss Missy?Yea I do but we all gotta move on with life and now I’m concentrating on the new album and a new career, one day I’ll meet with her and all will be fine again I’m sure. So, what’s your new album like?HOT! It’s called ‘Fantasia Love Child’ and it’s about a lot of things, it’s actually very personal too, touching on love, life, relationships and stuff like that. First single?That’s called ‘Regrets’, it’s my version of Jay Z’s ‘Regrets’
Oh, will it be part of Jay’s tribute album ‘Beyond Reasonable Doubt’ then?That’s right! We’ve all contributed to the album covering different Jay Z tracks and this is one of them – how’d you know about it?Our boys SAS and Eurogang are on the album and informed RWD months ago – late Nicole!Ha ha! I actually did a song with Eurogang too! They my boys! Source link: