Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Beyonce on TRL and 106 & Park

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Beyonce appeared on TRL today, where she talked about the "I Am". She really confirmed that there will be 2 disc set for the album and that a lot of songs will be released for the price of one. She also stated that this album is very personal, and something she is proud to present. Furthermore, Beyonce said that she wanted the video of "If I Were A Boy" to simple. She confirmed that her younger sister "Solange" co-wrote two songs on the album and family members, A&Rs, helped Beyonce decide what tracks would be on the album. She also stated that half of the album will be slow tracks like "If I Were A Boy" and the other half are fast like "Single Ladies". We will soon hear from Mrs. Beyonce again when she comes on 106 & Park later on....

Now that you think about it, "If I Were A Boy" and "Single Ladies" kinda growes on ya. The videos were black-n-white, but they were good singles. But one of the tracks I like that Beyonce recorded was "Kick Him Out or Next Ex".